What We Do

When it comes to the prestigious presentation of big ideas, the promotion of a business or a charitable foundation, the cementing of a legacy or the telling of an affecting story, The Book remains the gold standard. The Book is a conversation starter and an idea platform from which all else flows. In the age of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, The Book provides a way cut thorough the white noise and present a story in full. The Book also serves as a force multiplier, its concepts, theories, and themes having been legitimized in print, giving it a unique ability to feed the content-hungry digiverse through blogs, social media, print journalism, and even film and television.

So whether you’re running a business or sharing a story, you need to present your narrative in the best possible light — and that means writing a book. And nothing beats The Book when it comes to having the last word.

Klipspringer Press can make your book happen, whether you are starting with an idea and a blank page or have a completed manuscript. Our team, led by a five-time New York Times bestselling author, consists of bestselling writers, veteran editors, an award-winning designer, a highly-regarded literary agent, marketing and publicity experts — and an Oscar-winning documentarian. We can write (or co-write with you), edit, design, produce and distribute your book in hard cover, paperback and e-book formats across mutliple platforms, including amazon, iBooks, BarnesandNoble.com, and to select retail booksellers. Through our marketing partners, we can also develop a comprehensive social media campaign and an amazon bestseller campaign to ensure your book reaches a high ranking in its category. Our PR partners can orchestrate a print and television media campaign. We also have the ability to take the most sought-after books one step further, selling foreign rights, packing a film deal, or producing a documentary based on the book.

Our unique approach to publishing yields a larger return to the author, affords greater control, and delivers a higher quality product than traditional publishing. We take on compelling narratives from authors and experts in their fields, as well as novelists with distinct voices, who are looking for a first-rate, hands-on experience, one that will realize all of their goals. Email us to set up a consultation: [email protected].

